Scaling & Root Planing - Baywood Dental Group
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Baywood Dental Group  >  Scaling & Root Planing

Scaling & Root Planing

Home 4 Portfolio, Immunotherapy

Scaling and root planing is an extension of a routine hygiene maintenance appointment. Some of our patients might not have had a visit to the dental office in years while others may need a little more attention with their cleanings every so often. If we recommend scaling and root planing for our patients then it is evident that you have more build up and inflammation that is done in our routine cleanings. This appointment may require anesthesia to keep you comfortable and it may require anywhere from 2-5 appointments depending on the severity of your condition. We not only use hand instruments but incorporate an ultrasonic scaler as well. Your hygienist will discuss the details of your upcoming appointments in full with you.

Baywood Dental Group