Dental Hygiene Valencia

Dental Hygiene
We know that preventative care is essential to your dental health, we will put together a detailed plan of action both for in office and home care. There are multi level types of teeth and gum procedures, ranging from simple teeth maintenance to detailed periodontal therapy. Our office works with you to create the most effective oral hygiene program for your individualized needs. We will ensure that after your visit with us you are fully aware of your oral status.

Periodontal Maintenance
Periodontal maintenance is a cleaning procedure performed to thoroughly clean the teeth. Periodontal disease and gingivitis occur when bacteria from plaque colonize on the gingival (gum) tissue, either above or below the gum line. These bacteria colonies cause serious inflammation and irritation which in turn produce a chronic inflammatory response in the body. As a result, the body begins to systematically destroy gum and bone tissue, making the teeth shift, become unstable, or completely fall out.

Routine Maintenance
We recommend our patients have their teeth cleaned anywhere from 2-4 times a year. Our routine maintenance procedures include periodontal probing which along with x-rays and an exam will help determine the health of your tissues. A routine maintenance removes plaque and light calculus from your teeth and underneath your gums. Both hand and ultrasonic instruments may be used for this procedure, which is followed by polishing the teeth.

Arestin ®
It’s a powder composed of 100,000 tiny microspheres that release antibiotics over time. In a single visit, your dentist will add ARESTIN® to the pocket between your gum and tooth. It’s a painless procedure, and ARESTIN® with SRP can make your gum disease treatment more effective by killing bacteria left behind after SRP.