Hasmik Harutyunyan • Baywood Dental Group • Valencia, CA
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Hasmik Harutyunyan


Hasmik’s mission from the very beginning has been to provide quality dental services to extend the benefits of oral health to as many people as possible. She received my Master of Science in Dentistry from Yerevan State Medical University and an Associate Degree in Dental Hygiene from West Los Angeles College. During her educational experience, she received multiple awards from the California Society of Periodontists and the West Los Angeles Dental Hygiene Program.


Master of Science in Dentistry
She has done clinical work for UCLA School of Dentistry, VA Clinics, and MEND Clinics where she gained first-hand experience of rigorous preventative treatment of periodontal disease and comprehensive dental hygiene care. Above all, Hasmik takes great pride in ensuring that all her patients are informed of the most cutting edge in the world of dental care.
Contact Info
(661) 291-1200

24121 Baywood Ln. Suite A

Valencia, 91355, CA