Assal Abdossalehi D.M.D. • Baywood Dental Group • Valencia, CA
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Aeen Aflaatuni D.D.S.

Pediatric Dentistry

Dr. Aeen professional goal is to create a positive environment while treating the pediatric population at the highest level. His practice philosophy emphasizes preventative care, focusing on the importance of home care in preventing the development and advancement of dental caries.

In his spare time, Dr. Aeen enjoys volunteering, both abroad and in local communities. He also enjoys teaching and is not shy of a large audience. While not practicing dentistry, you can find him playing recreational soccer and traveling to different cities with his friends.
Aeen Aflaatuni D.M.D.

Pediatric Dentistry
Dr. Aeen Aflaatuni grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area where he received his bachelor’s degree in Genetics from UC Davis and his doctorate degree from University of the Pacific, in San Francisco. After volunteering in Latin America on multiple occasions, Dr. Aeen discovered that his passion is working with kids.
Contact Info
(661) 291-1200

[email protected]

24121 Baywood Ln. Suite A

Valencia, 91355, CA